How to Catch Slips and Stop a Downward Spiral Before It’s Too Late

When making lifestyle changes, setbacks are inevitable. You might be eating well, exercising consistently, and feeling great—until one moment of indulgence throws you off track. A single chocolate bar can snowball into a weekend of binge eating. Missing one workout turns into skipping the gym for weeks. Before you know it, all your progress feels […]

Why Relying on Willpower Is Sabotaging Your Goals (And What to Do Instead)

When we set out to achieve long-term goals—whether it’s losing weight, improving fitness, or building healthier habits—it’s easy to believe that self-control and willpower are the keys to success. The idea is simple: resist temptations, stay disciplined, and you’ll reach your goal. But while self-control can help in the short term, relying on it as […]

Unlock Your Gym Potential: Why You’re Stuck and How to Break Through

If you’ve been working out for a while but feel like you’re not making any progress, you’re not alone. One of the biggest reasons people find themselves plateauing in the gym is that they don’t progress the challenge, leaving themselves stuck with slow or nonexistent improvements, with a lot of potential strength and fitness gains […]

Understanding the Priming Effect: How Indulgent Foods Influence Your Choices

Have you ever found yourself going for a second serving of your planned meal, even though you know you’re meant to be sticking to one plate? Or enjoying a treat, only to spiral into more indulgent choices? If so, you’ve experienced the Priming Effect — a psychological phenomenon where eating moorish food triggers the desire […]

Why Planned Cheat Meals Are Great (And Spontaneous Cheat Meals Are Dangerous!)

The concept of a cheat meal is obviously tempting for all of us. After all, who doesn’t like the idea of a guilt-free indulgence? But there is a huge difference to how those cheat meals are initiated, with one approach being essential to long-term change, whilst the other will lead you time and again to […]

Why “I’ll Start Tomorrow” Is Sabotaging Your Goals (and How to Fix It)

We’ve all been there—feeling motivated to make a big change, but instead of acting, we tell ourselves “I’ll start on Monday”. It feels like we’re committing to change, but are we really? Let’s break it down, seeing what happens, why and what you can do to break the cycle.     The Problem with “Future […]

4 Steps to Successful Behaviour Change! Demi: [00:00:00] Okay, so I wanna get into prepping my meals every day, but I wanna do it for the rest of my life. So I just, I just do it right. Oh, what now? Simon: So on a very basic level, new behaviours just need to be repeated and repeated and repeated until […]

Introduce Flexibility Into Your Life

Demi: [00:00:00] Gremlin Schmank, man, I got that girl on lockdown. Simon: Hmm. Are you sure? So it seems that you do so well done. These videos are clearly paying off. Demi: Yeah. So what do we talk about now? Simon: Well, I’m glad you asked because now we can play around a little bit […]

Gremlin in a toy store – How to control your impulses!

  Demi: [00:00:00] Okay, so you keep saying, making plans is essential to behavior change, but why can’t I just make it up as I go? Simon: Okay, no worries. I’ve got a weird metaphor to explain it. Demi: Oh, okay. Tell me a weird metaphor. Simon: Hey everyone, Simon and Demi here, and today […]