How do I build muscle at home?

lifting heavy weight barbell
Picture of Simon Long

Simon Long

Simon is a highly experienced personal trainer and behavioural psychology expert
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Building muscle at home is easily possible, however it all depends on what kind of muscle you want to build and what equipment you have available.

If you are looking to build muscular endurance, or muscular tone, then training at home is easy as you will not require any training equipment. Body weight exercise is a great way to build your muscular endurance. Examples of body weight exercises are press ups, squats and tricep dips.

If however you are looking to build muscular size, strength or power then you will require equipment. The minimum would be a barbell and/or dumbbells and a selection of weight plates. A bench would also be a good idea if you can get one.

If you have the equipment available then training at home works exactly as training at the gym does. You will need to structure your training plan, with workouts being built for total body sessions or specific area sessions, i.e. a shoulder session.

This as well as all of the training factors, i.e. reps, sets etc, all depend on your fitness level and what kind of muscular training you are aiming for.

You can find out what training factors to use with the following links:

Low fitness level clients ––low-fitness-level

Medium fitness level clients ––medium-fitness-level

High fitness level clients –


As always if you have any questions give me a shout. If you have any comments them stick them in below. I always read them.

If you would like to take the next step in improving your health and fitness then come and see me for your no obligation consultation and assessment.

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Best wishes,

Si   =]

