Hey everyone, it’s Simon from the Body Development Centre, back for another video to get you where you want to be!
So I’ve done a video and a blog recently all about goals, and today’s video is the final part of that collection, where we will be talking about stretch goals!
So let’s start this badger all the way at the top. What is a stretch goal?
Well they’re tasks that you set just beyond your current ability, to really push yourself. Because at the end of the day, if you keep doing what you can already do now, you’re only going to platoea.
These mainly link in to stretch goals, aka goals that outline how you’re going to get to where you want to be.
See the video in the description for more info. Also the blog for how to set stretch goals.
So how do you create a stretch goal?
Well, firstly you need an idea of what your current ability is. Let’s say for instance when you’re cycling up that really hard hill near your house, you know you can only get to the first lamppost before stopping.
Great! So setting a goal that says you’re going to get to the second lamppost may be pushing it a bit, but how about next week you aim to push for two seconds beyond the first lamppost. Then the week after go for half-way between the two. Then the following week go for that second lamppost!!
By doing this, before long, you’ll be riding straight up to the top of the hill in one hit.
Approaching all of your sessions in this way always ensures that you’re improving. Which will guarantee quick progress towards your outcome goals!
More info on outcome goals in the vid and blog below!
So there you have it! Everything you need to know about goals, setting you up on solid foundations, in two short videos and a quick blog! Sorted!
And if you want to get started on those outcome goals today, then I’ve got a process goal all ready for you! As I’ve just started free online fitness classes, which run every day from Monday to Friday, for half hour at 6pm.
All of the workouts are body weight, so you don’t need to worry about having equipment. And if you can’t make it in live, then all the workouts are uploaded to the Facebook page afterwards!
So what are you waiting for! Why stick with one day, when today could be day one!