What causes weight loss? Quick Anwsers

preparing fresh food and salad
Picture of Simon Long

Simon Long

Simon is a highly experienced personal trainer and behavioural psychology expert
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Weight loss is caused when the body is in a calorie deficit. This means that you are burning more calories in the day than you are consuming. This is usually down to two factors.

  1. You are eating less calories. This is achieved by either by reducing the amount of food that you eat or by eating less calorie dense food. Calorie dense food is food that has a high number of calories per 100g. Examples would be cheese and chocolate.
  1. You are burning more calories. This could be caused by exercising or by just living a more active lifestyle in your day to day activities. You will lose more weight the more intense the exercise or activity. This is due to the amount of calories burnt in the session as well as an increase in your metabolic rate.

There are also several illnesses and ailments that may cause weight loss. If you do not believe either of the above apply to you, or your weight loss has been very rapid, it is highly advised you see a medical professional.


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Best wishes,

Si   =]
