Should I do split training or full body workouts?

A question I hear often is whether your resistance sessions should be done as a full body session, or as split training. For the uninitiated, split training is when you train one or two body areas in a workout instead of doing exercises for all of the body areas. The answer, as with everything around […]
Should I always do full range movements?

Most people, when partaking in muscular training, have a tendency to do only partial repetitions. These are reps that do not take your joint through its whole range of movement. For example doing a bicep curl but only taking your arm down to halfway. If this is the exclusive way that you train then this […]
Squats- How low should you go?

It’s one of the great debates of muscular training. How low should you squat? Should you stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, or should you get your bum to the floor? For ease we will refer to a squat that takes your hips below your knees as a full squat, and one […]