A beginners guide to HIIT training: From exercises to workouts to programs

man running with briefcase

High Intensity Interval Training (AKA HIIT) is all the rage these days. Every personal trainer and his dog are advising you to do it. And for good reason. It’s a great way to train. For several reasons. And it is suitable for anybody. Even absolute beginners. I wrote an article recently about how to apply […]

HIIT treadmill workouts: Whats best for you? A beginners guide

treadmills facing swimming pool

I bet you’ve heard of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It’s been the buzzword for a few years now. You have probably also heard that for a beginner 20 minutes on a treadmill using HIIT is all you need. But how do I create a HIIT exercise program you cry? Where does the treadmill come […]

This Weeks Top Videos: 27th August 2016

The videos I think you should be watching this week. If you come across any videos or articles that you think I should check out then throw them in the comments. Thanks! Enjoy! A great video describing the real need to dig deeper and discover your underlying motivation. It’s something I work on with my […]

This Weeks Top Videos: Week Beginning 15.08.16

Hey, Below are the top videos I’ve discovered this week. Happy watching, Si 1. Description: Great video on increasing the mobility of your hip joint, allowing better movement as well as reduced lower back pain. 2. Description: Description of different mobility exercises and stretches that you can use to increase the movement of your shoulder joints. […]

Fat Loss: To Carb Or Not To Carb?

Low carbohydrate diets have been a popular staple on the fat loss scene for quite some time, and include some high profile company names, including Atkins and The South Beach Diet. They’ve overtaken low fat diets as the go to diet for weight loss. However many of the low carb diets that are available are […]

Does sports massage work? (A research article)

shoulder massage

So…does massage work?   Well to be honest that is far too wide a question. Does what type of massage work? Does it work for what? For such a question to be answered it needs to be asked in the following format:   Does [type of massage] work for [specific issue]?   For example: Does […]

MY BACK/SHOULDER/LEG ACHES!!! Should I look at the problem only or the cause as well?

little boy flexing muscles

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused by tissue in the body, be that muscle, tendon or ligament, being repeatedly overexerted. The human body does have a huge capacity to adapt and to deal with poor movement patterns. But eventually pain will result unless the poorly optimised bio mechanics (such as posture and movement) are corrected. […]