How do I build muscle at home?

Building muscle at home is easily possible, however it all depends on what kind of muscle you want to build and what equipment you have available. If you are looking to build muscular endurance, or muscular tone, then training at home is easy as you will not require any training equipment. Body weight exercise is […]
Number of calories to lose for weight loss

Any reduction in calories will result in weight loss. However for noticeable weight loss you will need to lose at a minimum several thousand. This is because a pound of body fat contains around 3,500 calories. So if you want to lose 10 pounds, that’s 35,000 calories. This may seem like a huge amount, but […]
What is bodyweight training?

Bodyweight training is a resistance exercise that uses no added external weight. Examples would be press ups, pull ups, squats or tricep dips. Bodyweight training is great for improving muscular endurance, which is your bodies ability to repeatedly contract your muscles. This type of training is also the one most closely associated with creating muscle […]
How to gain muscle quickly

Find out more about Body Development Centre here: Personal Trainer Leicester To gain weight fast you need to train and eat right. But how? Let’s look at training first. Weight training is essential for muscle gain. The right type of weight training will also make a big difference toy our gains. High weight and low rep […]
How do I do HIIT at home?

HIIT is a great form of training that can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment. To do a HIIT session at home you first need to decide what kind of training you want to use. There are many options. You could use running on the spot, an exercise bike, body weight training, weighted exercises […]
Why am I not losing weight?

Why aren’t you losing weight? Well the first thing to realise is that weight loss takes time. It does not happen overnight and can take a couple of weeks before you really begin to see any results. Remember that it is unlikely that you will lose more than 2 pounds a week. However individuals who […]
Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

There is a good reason that HIIT training has become the buzz word in the fitness world. The range of benefits is wide. For instance if you are trying to lose weight, you will be hard pushed to find a better training method then HIIT. For one thing the workouts are intense; meaning the number […]
How do I use weight training for weight loss?

To lose weight with weight training you want to structure your workouts with two principles. Firstly you need to make sure you are using muscular endurance training. Secondly you want to structure your workout as a HIIT session. What is muscular endurance training? This is the type of muscular training that creates muscular definition, but […]
How do I lose weight fast?

So summer is coming and you are asking yourself, how can I lose weight fast? The trick is in to burn more calories during a day than you eat. This means that your body will convert some of your fat stores to energy, which results in you losing weight. There are a number of ways […]
What is the quickest way to lose weight?

The best way to lose weight quickly is to use a combination of exercise and a reduced calorie intake. The best type of exercise? Interval training. What is interval training? Well it is a workout, which can be either cardiovascular or resistance, that is done with intervals of hard training followed by a period of rest. A reduced calorie intake is eating fewer calories […]