How your brains chemistry if hurting your motivation. And how to fix it!

model of human brain

Hey Body Evolvers! So today I wanted to talk to you about a little chemical in your brain that could be having a big effect on your weight loss adherence. Serotonin! “Erm, whats that?” I hear you ask. Well, it’s a neurotransmitter that’s used in your brain. Essentially it allows you brains nuerons to speak to each other […]

You want to lose weight? Set a goal other than weight loss!

tape measure

This may come across as strange advise. But if you want to lose weight, having a goal of weight loss can be a pretty bad idea. Let me explain. Its been shown repeatedly in studies that those who have weight loss as their goal are far less likely to lose weight, and also less likely to […]

The habits of those who keep the weight off!

set of weighing scales

Hello Body Evolvers! So in addition to the finding that those who sustain weight loss weigh themselves daily, there were other articles which included other suggestions. The three most common were the following: 1. A deep understanding of the underlying reason that they wanted to lose weight. Most individuals when they desire to lose weight use either […]

Scales: Never, occasionally or every day?

person the scales weighing themselves

So I was reading a study that was performed by the National Weight Loss Registry, who are based in the USA. Their mission is to find out why weight loss maintenance is so rare and what  solutions for it we can put into place. Although they found many common occurrences between those who had managed […]