Two Competing Sides of Your Mind

By Simon Long MSc. Personal Fitness Trainer at Body Development Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire.   So tell me, does this sound familiar? You decide on a plan to move you towards your goal. You feel ready, motivated, good to go! But then, when the time comes to act, you find all of that drive […]

Exercise or being more active. What really matters?

By Simon Long MSc. Personal Fitness Trainer at Body Development Centre in Leicester and Leicestershire.   Okay. So you have decided to take the plunge and get onto a weight loss journey. Great! So you hit the gym, pulled out your old running trainers and started to hit the weights and pound the pavement a […]

How To Get Your Environment To Help, Rather Then Hinder!!

man training indoors on a gym mat

Hey everyone, it’s Simon from the Body Development Centre, back for another video to get you where you want to be! Today, we’re going to have a chat about how the environment influences your behaviour, and what you can do about it. Now you may think, surely the environment doesn’t dictate what I do, but […]

How To Stop Others Deciding Your Weight And Fitness Fate!!

In a recent post we spoke about the different categories of barriers that hold your lifestyle change back. If you missed it you should catch it here!! (It’s very useful for finding out why you aren’t getting your new behaviours in regularly). One of these barriers was social influence, which will, without doubt, have a huge […]

Stretch Goals: The Fast Progress Secret

person stretching

Hey everyone, it’s Simon from the Body Development Centre, back for another video to get you where you want to be! So I’ve done a video and a blog recently all about goals, and today’s video is the final part of that collection, where we will be talking about stretch goals! So let’s start this […]

Is Your Weight Loss Up And Down? Then Get Your Goals Right!

So in the last video I did for you (here), we spoke about the two types of goals you’d need to be successful in lifestyle change. Today, we’re going to look at how you set those goals. For anyone involved in any kind of corporate setting, Yes, I am going to be using SMART. But […]

The Two Types Of Goals You Need For Weight Loss!!

man punching the air - 'you want to win' motivational

Hey everyone. It’s Simon from Body Development Centre, here to give you a quick tip on health and fitness goals. Essentially goals fall into two categories, outcome and process. So what are they? Well, outcome goals are where you want to to be. For instance “I will be 12 stone by the wedding” or “I […]

How Does Variety Boost Motivation? Beyond The Obvious!

variety boosts motivation with various photos of females training

Hey everyone! Simon from the BDC again, here to give you you’re weekly knowledge! So today we are going to speak about… **Drumroll** Using variety to boost motivation!! **Party blower** So how does this work? Well, there’s the obvious. It stops exercise from getting boring. Doing the same thing over and over gets real tedious, […]