Diet Guidelines: A Simpler Way!

various freshly made fruit and cereal

Hey everyone, Simon from Body Development Centre here, and today I’d like to give you some simple guidelines for dietary do’s and don’ts.  This links in to the article I released earlier that speaks about how you should approach a diet to ensure your weight stays off after you’ve lost it. The link for that […]

How should I approach a weight loss diet for long-term results?

tape measure and scales

At any one time there are 600 million people worldwide who would regard themselves as being “on a diet”. The positive news is that a large proportion of these will lose weight! Yet unfortunately, very few individuals maintain this weight loss, with the majority of them returning to their original weight within a couple of […]

Why aren’t you doing your weight loss plan?

man frustrated at not losing weight

Hi everyone. Simon here, and today I’ve got a video to help you work out what your reasons are for not following your weight loss plan. This links in to a blog article I wrote today, so it would be wise to check that out too. I’ve left the link in the description.  For this […]

Why isn’t your weight loss plan working?

woman covering her eyes

Okay! So you’ve decided it’s time to lose weight and get fit. You’ve made the choice to change your behaviours. You’ve got a plan in place. Yet you aren’t losing weight! Why!?! Why do weight loss plans not work? There are a number of reasons you’re weight loss plan may not be effective. Working out […]

Finding Your Core Emotional Motivation

Hey everyone. Simon from Body Development Centre here, and today i’ve got a quick video on how to find your core emotional motivations. This links in to an article that i released earlier, so having a read of that will massively help you to make sense of what im talking about here. As always, the […]

The Three Diet Categories

Hey everyone, Simon from Body Development Centre here. And today I’ve got a quick video for you that links in to a blog post that I released earlier today. If you want to see that the link is in the description. For this quick tip though, I wanted to make choosing a diet type to […]

Does motivation for behaviour change seem impossible? It doesn’t have to be!!

Hey everyone! Simon the personal trainer here! And today we’re taking a look at the biggest stumbling block clients find when trying to create a long-term change in their diet or exercise habits (or both). Motivation!  You’ve probably experienced it many times yourself. You have an initial spark for change. Maybe you catch a glimpse […]

How can I change my diet???

dog and cake

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”― Jim Rohn   Adjusting your diet for weight loss can seem confusing. When you search for diets, you’ll find yourself bombarded with opinions. Low fat, low carb, intermittent fasting, atkins and so on. Knowing which is the best can seem like an […]