Breaking bad behaviors AKA Understanding the habit loop!! More tips from the top personal trainer in Leicester

All habits work in the same way. Whether they are positive or negative. Every single one starts with a craving, which is followed by a behavior, and ends with a reward. So for instance lets say that your craving is for a distraction because you are bored, your behavior may be to eat a snack, which provides […]
The temptation tricks of your mind!! More tips from the top personal trainer in Leicester

Have you used excuses to allow yourself to eat poorly, or skip exercising, when you’ve been on a weight loss goal? Have you been able to come up with all kinds of justification as to why you should be allowed to eat that pack of biscuits? Probably right? Its destructive to getting to where you […]
How to beat temptations forever!

Morning Body Evolvers, So I have been reading a book called Ditching Diets by Gillian Riley. And there is an essential piece of information for you contained within its pages. Namely how temptations work within our brain. Now to make the concept completely clear for you its worth touching briefly on how your brain works. So think of it this […]
Motivating both sides of the mind AKA Finding your core motivation

Today you’ll discover a new tool for sculpting the body you want. Motivating both sides of your mind! For this you’ll dig into your deep thought processes to discover new things about yourself. Firstly let’s get a little background. Have you ever noticed that you’ve an almost schizophrenic nature when it comes to weight loss […]
How To Prevent Muscle Wastage: Get The Right Weight Loss

In one of my other articles this week I spoke about keeping muscle whilst losing fat [link]. I wanted to expand on this point in this article as it is so essential to you and your weight loss goal. I’m going to breakdown the cause, problem and solution to muscle wasting below. Let’s begin! What […]
Best weight training for weight loss: How to use lifting to lose fat

Seriously though. Weight training can’t be used for weight loss. Right? Well in fact it’s not only possible to lose weight with weights, aka resistance training. Its more efficient. (Yes. Even if you are female) Using Weights Burns More Calories Per Session When we do high intensity training our bodies go into a metabolic spike. […]
Calorie Deficit To Lose Weight: Understanding The Energy Balance

If you watch my videos and read my blog then you may have heard me talk about the key requirement of any weight loss goal. That’s right, calorie deficit! Today we’re going to talk about what a calorie deficit is, issues with them and how to create them. We’re going to talk energy balance! What is energy […]
Decisions Decisions: How to use decision balancing to start your weight loss goal

Many people who are overweight want to lower their body mass. But the decision to take constructive steps to do so can often be quite difficult. There is no two ways about it. A weight loss goal takes some effort. A long term weight loss goal requires big lifestyle changes. This is where many people […]
How to lose weight with no exercise: the impossible dream?

So I often have people say to me ‘Simon, I’d like to slim down. But I hate to exercise. Is it game over?’. Well, I can happily say ‘Not necessarily’. Before I stop them walking on their merry way with a ‘ will find it way harder to lose weight without working out’. You see. […]
Why is weight loss so slow: A guide to why losing fat is hard

If there’s one thing people want to be fast, its losing weight. But weight loss almost never happens at the speed you would like. It seems it’s always too slow! And difficult! But this is normal. Everyone goes through it. And there are a number of reasons that you may be losing weight slowly. Knowing […]